Now enrolling for fall 2019-20 classes!!
Owasso Dance Co. opened in 2008, founded by Keally Lilly. Abby Kerbo came to the studio in 2014 as a teacher. After a few years of teaching dance, and learning as much as possible from Keally, Abby purchased the studio and took over the business in 2016.
At ODC we love creating a “dance family” feel. Each one of our staff members genuinely cares about the health, wellbeing, and talent of each dancer at our studio. We get to know the dancers, their families, and often times their friends. We would love for you to join our family! Contact us today to find out how!
If most schools seem to have qualified, friendly teachers, experienced teachers and a recital at the end of the year, aren’t they all pretty much the same? Does it really matter which place to decide to enroll at? The answer is YES.
There are four main things that can make a huge difference in the quality of instruction your child receives.
If the dance class has fewer students than each child will receive personalized attention, learn more and ultimately have more fun. With younger students it is easier for a teacher to maintain control over the class and make sure each student understands the concepts and instructions. Our smaller class size allows our teachers to ensure that students are not developing bad habits or improper technique. Ages 2-3: 8 students maximum Ages 4-6: 12-14 students maximum Ages 6-10: 14 students maximum Ages 11-teens: 16 students maximum
Owasso Dance Co. classes are designed to increase motivation in our students to learn proper technique and develop a love for artistic expression. It is our goal to help each student acquire self-esteem and a loving attitude, qualities that will be of great importance in their adult lives regardless of their career choice. ALL students are special to us!
Dance is a very physical activity that requires a lot of jumping, which can put stress on bones and joints. Most dance footwear does not provide cushioning or support, so the shock of dance movement can place a lot of pressure on the knees and back of a dancer. The best way to prevent against potential injury is by choosing a school with a professional “floating floor.” A floating floor is a dance floor that rests on a system of high-density foam, to absorb the shock of jumping. A high-density foam base is superior to a “sprung” floor, which usually consists of a wood structure built on a regular floor. The top layer of the dance floor is also an important factor. A vinyl composite “marley” floor is accepted worldwide as the best surface layer for recreational to professional dance. Facilities such as American Ballet Theatre and the Joffrey Ballet all use marley floors as their dance surface. A marley floor allows dancers to slide, with a degree of controlled slip but is not slippery so there is less risk of injuries. Very few schools use professional marley floors because of the cost involved and usually opt for a regular floor tile of wood surface. All of our studios have floating floors under the floor surface and a marley top surface that is imported from England. Our special floors help reduce the risk of injuries and allow students to dance longer without getting tired.
In many schools the teacher or the owner conducts classes and does the administration. By trying to do two jobs at once, the class may suffer as the teacher may have to use class time for customer service issues, or the school may have no customer service available if the teacher is in class. To have a good experience it is important to choose a school that can assist you with the details like costumes or schedules, even if a teacher is occupied in class. Our facility has office staff on hand during all regular class times, so you can get immediate assistance.